Dried Plum Dumpling with Yogurt Sauce – Austria

Rating: 1.00 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 24.0 (servings)

For the curd dough:


For The Butter Crumbs:

For The Yogurt Sauce:


Cream the soft butter (room temperature) with the vanilla, salt, egg and a little juice of a lemon. Add the quark, flour and knead until smooth. Rest for about 1/2 hour. If the dried plums are very dry, they should be bubbled very briefly in boiling hot water to make them plump. Drain and fill with a core-sized piece of marzipan. If raw marzipan is used, it can be kneaded with whole sugar, this will enhance the almond flavor of the marzipan. Form the dough into a roll and divide into 24 pieces.

Flatten each piece a little, insert the filled dried plums and form into dumplings. Put them in boiling, lightly salted water and cook for about 12 minutes.

Take out and drain well. Roast the breadcrumbs in butter until light brown and mix with grated hazelnuts and whole sugar (do not roast any more). Roll the dumplings in it. For the sauce, stir yogurt until smooth, season with sugar and a tiny bit of juice from a lemon. Sprinkle the dumplings with powdered sugar and serve with the sauce.

seen in Bayerntext


Tip: Use creamy natural yogurt for an even finer result!

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