Dorado with Mustard Sauce

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




For the gilthead with mustard sauce, scald leeks (white only) in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, strain, season with salt and pepper.

Butter fireproof dish, place leeks in it, drizzle with melted butter and 1/2 tsp lemon juice.

Cover with aluminum foil and steam in heated oven (170 degrees Celsius) for about 20 minutes. In between, baste frequently with butter. Place the fish fillets on the leeks, cover again with aluminum foil and steam for 10 minutes.

For the mustard sauce, bring wine to a boil in a saucepan and reduce for 7-8 minutes. Add crème fraîche and boil gently for 1-2 minutes and add salt. Remove from heat, stir in mustard and add capers.

Arrange the fish fillets and pore sticks on flat plates and pour the mustard sauce over them.

Sprinkle the dorade with mustard sauce with chives, chervil and coarsely crushed green pepper.

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