Deep Fried Mozzarella Skewers

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min



Cut the zucchini into bite-sized pieces and first turn them in the flour on the other side, then pull them through the beaten egg and coat them in the breadcrumbs.

Bread the mushrooms, mozzarella, tomatoes, sage and basil leaves in the same way and put them alternately on the skewers.

Bake the skewers in the hot fat until golden brown.

Rinse and drain the arugula. Mix balsamic vinegar, mustard, honey and olive oil to make a salad dressing. Season with salt and pepper and dress the arugula.

Arrange the lettuce, place the skewers on top and garnish with pine nuts and Parmesan.

Tip: Zucchini are a type of pumpkin and therefore low in calories, rich in vitamins and easy to digest – just the thing for a light meal!

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