Calamari with Red Wine Calamares en Su Tinta

Rating: 4.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For six people:


Cut the skin on the back of the squid and pull out the lime leaf. Dip your fingers in salt to help them grip the squid. Remove the outer skin of the squid and carefully fish out the ink bag. Pour the ink into a bowl, mix with 3 tbsp of wine and set aside for later use. Remove the ink sac and guts. Rinse the squid thoroughly, turn the insides out, cut the eyes small with sharp scissors, and rinse the squid one more time. Chop and mince the heads and tentacles, and cut the bodies into rings. Pour the remaining wine over the squid meat and let it stand.

Heat the oil, brown the garlic in it and then remove it. Then fry the onion in it until soft, remove it and set aside.

Drain the squid meat, keeping the marinade. Stir-fry the squid in the oil for 2 to 3 min. Then add onions, mixture of ink and marinade, wine, almond kernels, funet and salt and pepper. Put the lid on and simmer for an hour at low temperature. Serve with cooked long grain rice.


Our tip: Use sweet red wine for a sweet note and rather dry wine for flavorful, spicy dishes.

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