Ingredients Rating: 3.63 / 5.00 (8 Votes)Total time: 45 minServings: 4.0 (Ingredients)Ingredients: 1 Duck Salt 1 Bread rolls 150 g Zucchino cleaned, cut into 5mm cubes 250 g Long grain rice 1 Zucchino cleaned, cut into 5mm cubes 1 Onion (small) 1 pack(s) Yogurt 1 Egg Rose water Curry Salt 40 g Butter 1 teaspoon(s) Peppercorns (crushed) 40 g Butter (melted)1: 1 Salad leaf 1 Tomatoesbunch: 0.5 bunch ParsleyInstructions: Ingredients Related Recipes: Mullahs Mampf, Persian Lentil DishBrief preliminary remark The quantities given refer to fairly hungry people. It may well be that instead of... Stuffed Melanzane, Vegetarian> I can’t feed my ‘green’ family any more melanzane with > minced meat stuffing anymore. All... Hussarenkrapferl with a Filling of Currant JellyPreparation (about 40 min): Make a shortcrust dough from the ingredients and form it into a ball, wrap the... Asian Clear SoupPut all ingredients together with 1.75 liters of cold water in a large saucepan. Bring to the boil, then... RahmblatzRoll out the dough thinly and place it on a greased baking tray. Mix the melted butter with the ingredients... Veal Cream Sauce – Espuma VersionHave fun preparing this mushroom dish! Butter flakes melt and sautĂ© the mushroom cubes until light brown... The Frankfurt Green Sauce.And this herb sauce is like most famous recipes: everyone cooks according to their own “original”... Ratatouille RelishThe most important thing in advance: Since this is a relish, all ingredients must be cut into small cubes of... Sago PuddingThe information given here is taken from the 18th edition of the book, published in 1844. Measuring: Finally... Beef Soup with Classic IngredientsFor the beef broth, clean and coarsely chop the carrots, leeks, beetroot and celery. Cut onion in half and...