Mixed Mushroom Pan

Rating: 5.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A delicious mushroom dish for any occasion!

Preparation : half an hour

Clean mushrooms, halve mushrooms according to size or cut into slices if necessary. Oyster mushrooms cut a little smaller. Remove the peel from the shallots and garlic and dice or crush finely. Clean leek and cut into rings. Steam in a little boiling salted water for about 5 minutes until soft.

Cut turkey into strips. Heat clarified butter in a large coated frying pan. Fry shallots and garlic until golden brown. Add mushrooms and sauté until hearty, turning several times. Drain the leeks in a sieve, collecting the vegetable water. Mix the leek with the mushrooms. Add turkey strips and approx. 100 ml vegetable water. Season everything with salt, pepper and marjoram.

Grate cheese over the mushroom vegetables and cover. Serve garnished with parsley.

A strong farmer’s bread tastes good with it.

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