Vegan Puff Pastry

Rating: 3.05 / 5.00 (20 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 12.0 (servings)



For the puff pastry pockets, unwrap the puff pastry and roll out a little more with a rolling pin. Coat the dough with sugar water. (Mix 1/16 water and about a tablespoon of sugar) Divide dough into rectangles with two cuts lengthwise and four cuts widthwise.

Place a teaspoon of jam in the center of the bottom half of each rectangle, fold the dough and trim with a pastry wheel to press the edges together.

Now place the corners on a baking tray covered with baking paper, brush with a little sugar water and mix well the sugar with cinnamon, sprinkle a little cinnamon sugar on each corner and bake quickly at 200 degrees until light brown.

Let the puff pastries cool before eating.

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