Tas Kebabi, ‘Upside Down Kebab’.

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (6 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (servings)



After A From Nevin Halici:


Braised dishes occupy an important place in Turkish cuisine.

One of the most famous dishes of this kind is Tas Kebabi. It is prepared in many different ways in different parts of Turkey. Tas Kebabi with pilaf is a national dish.

Cut the meat into three cm cubes, put it in a cooking pot and put it on the kitchen stove at medium heat. Shake the cooking pot until the meat is browned and its juices are reduced, then add the fat and onions and stir-fry for three to four min until the onions are golden. Add tomato puree and stir for one minute.

Add spices and culinary herbs, pour boiling clear soup and vinegar. Cover the saucepan. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for one and a half to 120 minutes, until the meat is tender. Add salt and remove from heat after five minutes.

Remove the meat from the liquid and set it aside.

Place the meat in a stone baking dish. Place the baking dish upside down, bottom up, in the center of a large pot. Fill up the liquid to 500 ml. Put the long grain rice, already washed and soaked in salt water, in the cooking pot around the baking dish form, pour the boiling hot liquid and cover the cooking pot. Cook over medium heat.

When the long-grain rice is cooked, lift out the baking dish and bring the cooking pot hot to the table.

Our tip: As an alternative to fresh herbs, you can use

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