Roti De Boeuf Au Bourguignon (Burgundy Roast)

Rating: 3.81 / 5.00 (31 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 8.0 (servings)



For the burgundy roast, take the meat out of the fridge in good time (about 30 minutes before preparation), parcel it well, rub it with black pepper from the mill and salt, brush it all over with the mustard and preheat the oven to 180°C degrees.

Cut the carrot, leek and onion into coarse pieces, pluck the herbs from the stems and put half of all of them in a roasting pan. Finely dice the chili pepper and spread it on top of the vegetables and herbs in the roaster.

In a frying pan, heat the clarified butter strongly and sear the meat in it vigorously on all sides – then add the remaining vegetables and sear them as well.

Place the meat on top of the vegetables in the roasting pan, add the tomato paste to the sautéed vegetables in the pan and let it steam briefly, then deglaze with red wine and soup, boil off the drippings and pour everything over the meat in the roasting pan.

Insert a meat thermometer and roast with the lid on for about 90 minutes. Then remove the lid, baste the roast with the gravy by the spoonful and continue to cook uncovered for another 30 minutes at the same heat. Core temperature should be max. 60 degrees.

Lift the meat out of the roaster and let it rest in the turned-off stove until the sauce is prepared. Transfer the gravy into a saucepan and puree with a hand blender, adding the whipped cream, season with salt and pepper, reduce to a creamy consistency and add to the slices of Burgundy roast, refined with brandy.

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