Pork Tenderloin Wrapped in Bacon

Rating: 3.60 / 5.00 (94 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the pork fillet wrapped in bacon, salt and pepper the fillets. Heat the butter and brown the meat in it. Remove from the pan.

Wash and chop the herbs. Mix the chopped herbs with the breadcrumbs and season with salt.

Place 4 slices of bacon overlapping on each 1 piece of plastic wrap and spread with mustard. Spread the spice mixture on top and place 1 fillet on each. Roll the fillets in the bacon using the cling film. Tie the rolls with kitchen twine and season with pepper.

Brown the meat pieces in a roaster on the stove all around. Peel the shallots and cut into quarters. Fry the shallot quarters briefly. Pour in beef stock and bring to the boil briefly.

Now put the roaster into the preheated oven and roast the meat on the 2nd rack from the bottom at 200 degrees Celsius for 15 minutes.

Remove the meat from the roaster. Stir the cold butter into the sauce in small pieces, season with salt and pepper.

Remove the kitchen twine and slice the pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. Serve with the shallot sauce.

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