Homemade Pasta with Salmon, Snow Peas and Capers

Rating: 4.00 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)




A great pasta dish for any occasion:

Preparation (about 45 min):

Mix well flour with durum wheat semolina, empty on a surface, make a dent. Now add yolks, olive oil, egg and a little water, season at the edge of the flour with salt, white pepper and nutmeg. Knead everything into a smooth dough, form into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap. Leave the dough to rest in the refrigerator for two to three hours, or preferably overnight.

Roll out dough thinly on a floured surface, flour well, roll up and cut into thin noodles. Flour these well repeatedly and cook in lightly salted water until al dente.

Cut emperor peppers into thin strips, sauté in hot olive oil. Add the capers, halved cherry tomatoes, garlic, thyme and dill. Cut the salmon into strips and add. Remove pasta from water and add.

Toss everything well, season with curry, salt and pepper, arrange in deep plates and garnish with thyme.

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