Crispy Chicken in Herb Cheese Coat

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




A bean recipe for every taste:

Drain the ready-to-cook poularde and dry it inside and out. Remove the fat glands on the top of the tail. Season with salt from the inside. Using your finger or a smooth wooden spoon handle, carefully loosen the skin in the leg and breast area. It must not be damaged, it serves as a pocket for the stuffing.

For the filling, press Brie through a sieve and mix with cream cheese. Add almond kernels, garlic, the plucked leaves of thyme and oregano. Season heartily with pepper, juice of one lemon and salt.

Push farce under the skin. Spread evenly by pressing lightly on skin. Tie wings and drumsticks to body with spaghetti. Then insert the herb bunches into the chicken. Brush the chicken with butter and sprinkle with coarse salt. Place in a roasting pan with the breast facing up.

Roast with closed lid at 190 °C in a heated oven for about

80 min. Remove the lid and roast for another 10 minutes.

Serve with cherry tomatoes without skin tossed in herb butter and finely chopped beans tossed in butter.

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