Soak the beans overnight in cold water. Drain, add cold water and bring to a boil. Boil for about 3 hours until the beans are completely soft (meanwhile, repeatedly add fresh water). Wash the two types of rice well (preferably six times) until all the starch has been flushed out. Bring rice to a boil with water in a 1:1.2 ratio. Then reduce the heat (or turn it off altogether) and let the rice cook, covered, for about 15-20 minutes. Important: Never lift the lid during cooking and do not stir or season! Strain the beans, which have been cooked in the meantime, and pound them while still hot with sugar in a mortar until the husk comes off the beans. Now put the hot rice with sugar and ponzu or lime juice in a wide bowl, mix everything well and let it cool down. For this, however, do not put in the refrigerator, but – if you want it to go quickly – better cool with a fan or hair dryer until the rice is about 28 degrees. Then moisten your hands well with water and form small sushi-sized balls from the mixture. Be careful not to get the balls too wet or they will not hold together well. Then roll the balls in the bean paste. Peel the nashi pear, cut it into quarters and fan it. Arrange on a plate with the rice balls and serve.
Rice Balls in Azuki Bean Paste
Rating: 3.44 / 5.00 (52 Votes)
Total time: 45 min