Rice Pudding Cake with Strawberries

Rating: 3.76 / 5.00 (298 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


For the rice mixture:


For the rice pudding cake with strawberries, bring the rice together with the milk, 100 g sugar and vanilla pulp to the boil once. Then simmer slowly over low heat until the rice is soft.

While the rice is cooking, separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until firm.

Beat the egg yolks with 20 g sugar until foamy and stir into the lukewarm rice pudding together with the sour cream, cornstarch and baking powder.

Finally, fold the beaten egg whites into the rice mixture and pour into a springform pan lined with baking paper.

Bake the rice pudding cake in a preheated oven at 160°C for about 45 minutes.

Finely puree 150 g of the strawberries with a teaspoon of powdered sugar. Cut the remaining strawberries into small pieces and mix into the strawberry sauce.

Spread on the rice pudding cake and garnish with the melted chocolate.

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