Zucchini Goulash

Rating: 3.62 / 5.00 (119 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)



For the zucchini goulash, wash the zucchini, halve lengthwise and cut into slices about 1 cm thick. Peel the knackwurst sausages, halve them and cut them into 5 mm thick slices. Finely dice the onion, peel the garlic, slice thinly and fry lightly in hot oil in a saucepan. Add zucchini and sausage slices.

Stir in paprika powder and flour and immediately pour in soup broth. Season goulash with salt and pepper and simmer slowly.

Shortly before completion, stir in some sour cream if necessary and bring to the boil again for about 1 minute.

Arrange the zucchini goulash on a plate and garnish with a zucchini flower.

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