Texas Style Minced Meat Roast

Rating: 3.33 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



A bean recipe for every taste:

Prepare a meat dough from minced meat, soaked, squeezed out bread, eggs, finely chopped onions as well as crushed garlic. Season heartily with cayenne pepper, ginger and salt, knead thoroughly. Drain kidney beans and hominy, work into meat dough. Form dough into an oblong shape, place in a roasting pan and brush with oil.

Roast for one hour at 200 °C (gas: level 3), gradually adding a little clear soup.Rinse endive, drain, cut into strips. Cut tomatoes into cubes. Prepare marinade with vinegar, oil, salt, mustard and sugar. Turn endive in it on the other side, fold in tomato cubes.

Rinse and chop the chives, sprinkle the rolls over the lettuce. Cut the meat into slices and serve with the red barbecue sauce and the lettuce.

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