Leek Salad

Rating: 3.47 / 5.00 (32 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)



For the leek salad, cut the leeks lengthwise and rinse well.

Cut away the dark green leaves and parts of the leaves and cut the leeks into fine rings.

Put the rings in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. Knead with your hands and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Wash the parsley, pluck the leaves from the stems and chop finely.

Peel and finely chop the eggs.

Mix the crème fraîche with the milk until smooth and season with salt and pepper.

Place the leeks in a salad bowl and pour the crème fraîche over them.

Serve the leek salad sprinkled with chopped egg and parsley.


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