Boiled Beef in a Fennel Coat

Rating: 2.67 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


To clarify:

Vegetable garnish:

Fennel coat:




3 hours (without standing time), for ambitious For the soup:

Already the day before, cook the boiled beef in lightly boiling water with the vegetables and spices for 2 hours (meat fork must go in easily, but meat must not fall apart!). Wrap the cooked meat in cling film, drain the soup, put both in the refrigerator for one night.

Exactly degrease soup, measure out about # liters and heat.

To clarify the soup:

Chop lean parsley root, beef, carrot and celery in blitz chopper, mix well with two egg whites and add to slightly simmering soup. Add yellow onion skins, this will give the soup a nice color). Once the turbidity has bound and the soup is nice and clear, strain it through the dish.

For the garnish:

Peel 2 carrots and the parsley root and cut into very small cubes, cook in salted water until al dente, rinse.

For the fennel coat:

Clean the fennel bulbs, pull off the threads, cut into pieces and soften in salted water with a squeeze of juice from a lemon. Mash the fennel with a small amount of gravy using a hand blender and pass it through a fine sieve. Stir fennel puree through with crème fraîche, season strongly with salt and freshly ground pepper. Soak 6 sheets of gelatin in the warmed fennel stock until melted and mix with the puree to a thick consistency. Pour the mixture onto a board lined with plastic wrap, set aside 1 hr.

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